ATFX has Ranked among the Top10 Globally in MT4 Trading Volume for 11 Consecutive Quarters

<p align="left">Recently, industry-leading media Finance Magnates released its
highly anticipated industry report for the first quarter of 2023, focusing on
Contracts for Difference (CFD). ATFX ranking in the top 7 globally for its
leading MT4 trading volume in Q1 of 2023 is remarkable, as this achievement
places ATFX in the global top ten positions for 11 consecutive quarters. It is
worth mentioning that ATFX entered the top ten globally in terms of trading
volume in the fourth quarter of 2022.</p><p align="left">According to the data from the quarterly report, ATFX achieved an
average monthly MT4 trading volume of $158 billion in the first quarter of
2023, with a total quarterly trading volume of $474 billion. This represents a
year-on-year growth of 17.91% compared to the first quarter of 2022 and a
quarter-on-quarter growth of 3.94% compared to the fourth quarter of 2022.
Additionally, the trading volume for precious metals CFDs increased by 64.69%,
currency pair CFDs increased by 23.72%, and energy CFDs increased by 6.62%.</p><p align="left">The report released by Finance Magnates provides guidance for the
development of CFD companies. ATFX's continuous leadership in trading volume
for multiple quarters is driven by strong technological innovation and an
innovation-driven strategy, which have empowered the brand to upgrade its
services and introduce new products. The data from the report clearly indicates
that ATFX has been making progress in various aspects. The increase in active
accounts reflects the recognition of the platform's services by customers, and
the increase in trading volume shows that customers have shown a strong
preference for the platform's services, product variety, and trading
experience.</p><p align="left">The past serves as a prologue. Moving forward, we will continue to
serve every customer worldwide with enthusiasm, high-quality service, and
efficient financial efficiency.</p>

This article was written by FM Contributors at

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