Trump’s Approval Rating Sinks Further

<h2>Trump Tweets Anger At China</h2>
<p>Donald Trump added to fears of fresh tensions between the US and China with an inflammatory tweet this week. Trump tweeted: “As I watch the Pandemic spread its ugly face all across the world, including the tremendous damage it has done to the USA, I become more and more angry at China. People can see it, and I can feel it!”</p>
<p>Trump has been highly critical of China over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, accusing the nation of exacerbating the virus by not reporting it soon enough and even accusing it of manufacturing the virus in a lab. Trump’s attacks on China have subsided somewhat over recent weeks due to his attention being required by the civil unrest and political fallout from the Black Lives Matter protests. However, as Trump hits the campaign trail for the November elections, Trump seems to be turning to a typical tactic of his, which is painting China as an enemy of the US people.</p>
<h2>Deflecting Blame?</h2>
<p>Trump’s criticism of China over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic was viewed by many, however, as simply being a deflection tactic to help divert criticism being aimed at him from within the domestic political community over his own failure to act in a timely matter. Trump has been criticised by many for not taking the virus seriously enough amidst the first outbreak and failing to distribute tests and PPE quickly enough.</p>
<h2>US Sceond Wave Fears Rising</h2>
<p>The US path of the virus has come back into the limelight over the last week amidst a fresh upward trend in new infections seen across some states. California, Texas and Florida have each reported steady increases in new infections since lockdown measures eased. With new infections, as well as the death toll, starting to spike again many are becoming concerned over the threat of a second wave of the virus. The governor of California was forced to take action last week, announcing the closure of bars and restaurants in seven counties, including LA. Meanwhile, Apple announced that it would close 11 sites across 4 states temporarily amidst the fresh outbreak.</p>
<h2>Fresh Lockdown Risks</h2>
<p>The main concern now is that should this trend of growth in new infections spread across more states and develop further, lockdown measures will need to be reintroduced on a broader scale, which would be devastating for the US economy and also Trump’s re-election chances in November.</p>
<h2>Approval Ratings</h2>
<p><img class="aligncenter wp-image-46303 size-full" title="Trump's Approval Rating Sinks Further " src="" alt="Trump's Approval Rating Sinks Further " width="1566" height="1004" srcset=" 1566w,×192.png 300w,×657.png 1024w,×492.png 768w,×985.png 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1566px) 100vw, 1566px" /></p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em><strong>Source: FiveThirtyEight</strong></em></a></p>
<p>Trump’s approval ratings have been trending steadily lower across the last two months amidst his poor handling of the pandemic and also the protests breaking out across the US. His ratings are now the lowest they have been since January 2019. With both the pandemic and the protests continuing, Trump runs the risk of ruining his election chances entirely unless he can find a way to salvage his approach and sway sentiment back in his favour.</p>
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