China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi and US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to meet

<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Wall Street Journal (gated) reports</a> that the two will meet in Bangkok</p><ul><li> to discuss the Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping</li></ul><p>“China has influence over Tehran; they have influence in Iran. And they have the ability to have conversations with Iranian leaders that—that we can’t,” Kirby said at a media briefing. “And so, what we’ve said repeatedly is: We would welcome a constructive role by China, using the influence and the access that we know they have, to try to help stem the flow of weapons and munitions to the Houthis.”</p><p>Biden officials say they have asked Beijing to convey messages to Iran about avoiding a broader conflict, adding that Beijing is doing so, but they don’t know the exact substance of those conversations with Tehran.</p><p>Wang Yi to visit Thailand from January 26 to 29</p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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