Icelandic scientists are preparing to drill into a magma chamber – geothermal power.

<p>Gotta be honest, I'm rather disappointed with the tepid opening to the year during the Asian timezone. Plenty of action during US time, albeit sporadic, but for us here … not much. Maybe we're back to normal 😉 </p><p>Anyway, this is very interesting while we wait for, well, anything. </p><p>Hjalti PĂĄll IngĂłlfsson at the Geothermal Research Cluster (GEORG) in ReykjavĂ­k:</p><ul><li>“We are going to drill into a magma chamber”</li><li>“It’s the first journey to the centre of the Earth” </li></ul><p>Scientists in Iceland are planning to drill two boreholes to a reservoir of liquid rock</p><ul><li>One will give first direct measurements of magma</li><li>The other could supercharge geothermal power</li></ul><p>Article<a href=",Cluster%20(GEORG)%20in%20ReykjavĂ­k." target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> is here for more</a>. </p><p>—</p><p>Back to FX, yen update. C'mon Bank of Japan, we're relying on you for some volatility!</p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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