New Zealand December Business Confidence 33.2 (prior 30.8)

<p>New Zealand data – ANZ Business Survey:</p><ul><li>Business confidence 33.2 (November was 30.8), highet since March 2015</li><li>Activity 29.3 (November was 26.3)</li></ul><p>ANZ comments (key points in brief):</p><ul><li>The vast majority of indicators lifted,
including the backward-looking measures.</li><li>Inflation expectations took a decent step lower, but the proportion of
firms expecting higher costs and the proportion intending to raise their
prices both rose. Indeed, pricing intentions are the most reliable lead
indicator for inflation, and they have stopped falling in recent months.</li></ul><p>From the report, summary of how the indicators fared in December:</p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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