New Zealand government removes full employment goal for Reserve Bank of New Zealand


New Zealand's new government has officially abandoned full employment as a goal for the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. </p><p>This was a policy position the new government had going into the election and since winning the new policy has been much publicized, so it's not fresh news, </p><p>The legislation has now been passed returning the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's mandate to a
sole focus on inflation, removing the need to take employment
into account when making monetary policy decisions.
</p><p> The RBNZ took on the employment mandate in 2018. </p><p> The RBNZ Monetary Policy
Committee next meets in February.</p><p>Earlier:</p><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow" data-article-link="true">Westpac cuts its New Zealand Q4 CPI forecast to 0.3% (from 0.6%)</a></li></ul>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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