North Korean hackers steal $3 Billion: An alarming trend in cybercrime targeting crypto

<p>North Korean-backed state hackers have stolen an estimated US$3 bn over the last six years (since January 2017).</p><p>I've seen similar reports from time to time so this is not fresh news. Not good news either, especially for those having funds stolen. </p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">More here.</a></p><p>US$1.7 billion stolen in 2022 alone</p><ul><li>North Korean state-sponsored hacking groups such as the Lazarus Group focused their attention on blockchain attacks</li><li>intrigued by the potential for hacking blockchain entities due to their reputation as “a rapidly growing financial technology industry that has little oversight and is unprepared for a relentless cyber assault.” </li><li>North Korea originally focused its crypto theft efforts on its neighbor South Korea</li></ul>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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