Japan Q3 GDP -0.7% q/q (preliminary was -0.5%, prior +1.2%)

<p>The advance reading for Japan's Q3 economic growth is here:</p><ul><li><a href="https://www.forexlive.com/news/japan-preliminary-q3-gdp-05-qq-expected-01-20231114/" target="_blank" rel="follow">Japan preliminary Q3 GDP -0.5% q/q (expected -0.1%)</a></li></ul><p>The deflator is a measure of inflation, it came in at 5.3%</p><ul><li>expected 5.1%, prior 5.1%</li></ul><p>More:</p><ul><li>External demand contribution to GD was -0.1%</li><li>Domestic consumption contribution was an awful -0.6%</li></ul><p>Economic growth in Q3 was initially thought to have been down by 0.5% but the contraction was greater than that at -0.7%. Meanwhile, inflation is strong, the deflator showing it above 5%. Yesterday Ueda said there were tough times ahead. They are already here according to these numbers. </p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.

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