ICYMI – Agreement reached for 50 hostages to be released, 4 day pause in Gaza fighting

<p>I <a href="https://www.forexlive.com/news/oil-with-a-pop-higher-20231122/" target="_blank" rel="follow">posted earlier o</a>n the agreement reached to release some of the hostages held by Hamas terrorists i&nbsp; Gaza:</p><ul><li>50 hostages to be released
</li><li>woman and children
</li><li>over the next 4 days
</li><li>fighting will pause during this time, said to be a&nbsp;"full pause in military operations throughout Gaza"</li><li>a "surge" in humanitarian supplies into Gaza is expected</li></ul><p>There are more than 200 hostages being held, but IU guess this is a start. Let's hope all will be released soon.&nbsp;</p><p>-</p><p>For markets, oil is back a little lower on what would appear to be positive news for reducing tensions:</p><figure data-media-><img src="https://images.forexlive.com/images/oil%20hostages%20update%2022%20November%202023_id_a8ab19cb-33b5-42e4-9aaf-8a0f1383dbfc_size900.jpg" alt="oil hostages update 22 November 2023 22" width="1093" height="748" wrapper-="wrapper-" data-src="https://images.forexlive.com/images/oil%20hostages%20update%2022%20November%202023_id_a8ab19cb-33b5-42e4-9aaf-8a0f1383dbfc_size900.jpg" /></figure><p><br></p><p><br></p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.

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