China's Xi says he has no plans for China military action against Taiwan in coming years

<p>A senior US official with the US readout of the Biden – Xi meeting.</p><p>On Taiwan, as noted in the bullets below, "the biggest, most dangerous issue in US-China relations". The no plans for military action is a welcome comment indeed. The last thing we all want to see is another war.</p><ul><li>
Biden and Xi had a substantial exchange about Taiwan</li><li>Xi made clear that
Taiwan was the biggest, most dangerous issue in US-China relations</li><li>Biden made clear
that the US Position is to maintain peace and stability, it believes
in the status quo and asked China to respect Taiwan's electoral
process</li><li>Xi said there were
no such plans of China military action against Taiwan in coming years</li><li>Xi told Biden
China's preference was for peaceful reunification with Taiwan but
then moved to talk about conditions in which force could be used</li><li>Xi was trying to
indicate that China is not preparing for a massive invasion of
Taiwan, but that does not change US Approach</li></ul><p>

More below on the economy and other issues.</p><ul><li>
Biden talks with Xi lasted some four hours</li><li>Xi did almost all of
the talking in the session with Biden from the Chinese side</li><li>Biden, China's Xi
reached agreement on fentanyl</li><li>China will go
directly after specific chemical companies making fentanyl precursors</li><li>We want to see
whether China will continue to follow up on fentanyl crackdown</li><li>Today China agreed
to mechanisms to address miscalculations and create forums for
military to military contacts</li><li>Official: secretary
of Defense Austin will meet with his Chinese counterpart when that
person is named</li><li>Senior military
commanders will engage with their counterparts from China</li><li>Biden made a very
clear request to Xi that both countries institutionalize the military
to military dialogues</li><li>China agreed to
taking these steps on institutionalizing military dialogues</li><li>We all understand
that ai, when used in military or nuclear operations, creates real
risks</li><li>We are very much
focused on practices regarding ai that could be dangerous or
destabilizing</li><li>The two sides were
not yet ready for a declaration or framework about ai, this will
require more serious interactions</li><li>Biden and Xi
acknowledged that talks between national security advisers on taiwan,
ukraine and middle east had been very valuable</li><li>Both leaders
recognized that more work needed to be done about ai</li><li>Biden was direct
with Xi that the playing field economically was not level, that
forced repatriation of intellectual property was discouraging
investment</li><li>Xi made clear to
Biden that he wants to stablize the relationship with the us</li><li>Xi demonstrated a
deep knowledge about the discussions within the united states about
China</li><li>Xi said it was
unfair that there are negative views about the Chinese communist
party within the united states</li><li>Biden made clear to
Xi US Concerns about Ukraine</li><li>Biden expressed his
desire that China weigh in with Iran to avoid steps that could be
seen as provocative in the middle east</li><li>Biden told Xi the US
Will not provide technology that can be used against the US
Militarily</li><li>The two sides also
had discussions about the need for China to be more transparent about
nuclear issues related to the military</li><li>Biden made clear to
Xi that China will need to do more on climate change</li><li>Biden told Xi China
needed to take more steps on methane specifically</li><li>Talks were
constructive, both leaders acknowledged that they want to keep lines
of communication open</li><li>No plans for another
visit between Biden and Xi at this time, but they kept the door open
to that</li><li>Chinese officials
said they had discussions with Iranians on regional risks</li><li>Biden made clear the
differences the US Sees between Hamas and the Palestinians</li></ul>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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