CobaltFX Unveils New Guard against FX Market Disruptions

financial world is taking a significant step towards mitigating risks in the
foreign <a href="">exchange</a> (FX) market, with CobaltFX unveiling a new post-trade
messaging service. This move, spearheaded by industry specialist Andy Coyne,
aims to address the Single Point of Failure (SPoF) in the FX industry's
post-trade operations, a problem magnified by years of market consolidation that
threatens the global financial ecosystem's stability.</p><p>CobaltFX to Change Post-Trade
the FX market has been plagued by a lack of competitive post-trade messaging
services due to extensive industry consolidation. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">CobaltFX</a>, now a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">part of
United Fintech</a> and led by Andy Coyne, who has an extensive background in FX
fintech firms and global banking, proposes an alternative solution. The firm
launched a Trade Notification Network (TNN) today, offering a choice for
financial institutions concerned about SPoFs within market operations.</p><p>Recent
disruptive events, including market consolidation and significant hacks, have
heightened the FX sector's vulnerabilities to SPoFs, prompting urgent action.
CobaltFX's newly introduced TNN aims to provide a fail-safe against such
weaknesses, challenging the traditional "Hobson's choice" in FX
post-trade messaging. </p><p>“The FX
market, by sheer trading volume, is amongst the world's largest markets, making
the need for comprehensive solutions even more pressing. Imagine if banks’ only
messaging network all of a sudden came to a halt amid FX trading; this could
stop trading completely,” Coyne commented. </p><p>He noted that
the threat of SPoFs “should be a wake-up call for the financial sector to
assess industry-wide – and not just in FX.” By providing a backup and
alternative, CobaltFX's TNN aspires to fortify the industry against
cyberattacks and other failures, thereby safeguarding the financial ecosystem.</p><p>Recently, CobaltFX collaborated <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">with BNP Paribas and NatWest</a> to enhance the credit allocation processes for FX transactions. While these two financial institutions have a longstanding partnership with CobaltFX, their decision to adopt Dynamic Credit, the latest breakthrough from CobaltFX, signifies a substantial intensification of their involvement.</p><p>Since its relaunch under the United Fintech banner, the company has concentrated on services <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">within the FX market</a>.</p>

This article was written by Damian Chmiel at

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