US Sept factory orders +2.8% vs +2.4% expected

<ul><li>Prior was +1.2% (revised to +1.0%)</li></ul><p>Details:</p><ul><li>Factory orders ex-transportation for Sept +0.8% versus +1.4% last month (revised to +1.5%)</li><li>Durable goods order revised +4.6% versus +4.7% preliminary and -0.1% prior month</li><li>Durable goods ex-defense +5.7% versus +5.8% preliminary. Last month -0.7%</li><li>Nondefense capital ex-air +0.5% versus 0.6% preliminary. Last month +1.1%</li><li>Durable goods ex transportation +0.4% vs 0.5% preliminary. Last +0.5%</li></ul><p>The headline is a bit stronger but the revisions to core durable goods orders are a touch lower. There is some dollar buying on the data but it's mild.</p>

This article was written by Adam Button at

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